Bacaan lanjut Fizik_teori

  • Physical Sciences. Encyclopædia Britannica (Macropaedia). 25 (edisi 15th). 1994. 
  • Duhem, Pierre. "La théorie physique - Son objet, sa structure," (in French). 2nd edition - 1914. English translation: "The physical theory - its purpose, its structure,". Republished by Joseph Vrin philosophical bookstore (1981), ISBN 2711602214.
  • Feynman, et al. "The Feynman Lectures on Physics" (3 vol.). First edition: Addison–Wesley, (1964, 1966).
Bestselling three-volume textbook covering the span of physics. Reference for both (under)graduate student and professional researcher alike.Famous series of books dealing with theoretical concepts in physics covering 10 volumes, translated into many languages and reprinted over many editions. Often known simply as "Landau and Lifschits" or "Landau-Lifschits" in the literature.A set of lectures given in 1909 at Columbia University.
  • Sommerfeld, Arnold. "Vorlesungen über theoretische Physik" (Lectures on theoretical physics); German, 6 volumes.
A series of lessons from a master educator of theoretical physicists.